Socialism; An Overview
Muh. Sholihin
(Novelist| An Independent Researchers of Islamic Economics)
(Novelist| An Independent Researchers of Islamic Economics)
Some people think you can change the world without taking power.
No, they argue, you must not even think about trying to make use of the state.
--Michael A. Lebowitz--
COMMUNISM is the socialism ultimate goal—society without class. It is real
socialism. The Indicators of real socialism are self-realization or welfare,
political influence, social status (E. Roemer, 1994). Those are the true of
communism. In other hand, it can be seen that the object of communism is very
different with capitalism object. If communism effort to blew down the old
regime—capitalism class—to build the new regime—goverment by proletariat,
capitalism stay on individualism—from individu to individu. To undestand
framework and contents of socialism, it is important to describe the indicator
of real socialism.
According to E. Roemer (1994) that self-realization is the
development and aplication of an individual’s talents in a way that gives meaning
of life. It means that everyone—individual, or group—can be named as actual
person if the life, which is done, gives the meaning for self and actualize
individual’s talents. It is really a spefically marxist conception of human
flourishing (1994: 11). Study deeply, it bring to understand the philosophical
core which is being reason for marxist conception of human flourishing.
Exactly, it is a representation from human needs to get happiness and
comfortable in the life. As which was said by John Rawl’s notion that to real
life, or life plan every one must be in ejoying one’s family and friend, eating
fine meals, and counting blades of grass. Simply, the quality life is depend on
happiness and getting chance to actualize individual’s talent.
Other character is political influence. Indeed, socialism is not
only framework in getting self-realization but also values in political system.
This one can be seen from socialism doctrine that the object of socialism is to
transform a regime base on socialism
interest--to end capitalism class. In application, political influences have some
ways to construct a political socialism system. First, constitued the majority
of society. Collective values establish a fixed character in society which
produces egalitarian people. They are easy going to class existance in social
structure. All are one—peasants, traders, and labours. Second, produced the
wealth of society. Economic resources by state—nationalization. In state mind,
the prosperity cannot spread with market mechanism, but only realize with state
intervention. State exactly distributed the all of economic sources and is not
any one which can master dominantly economic sources.
In the end real character of socialism is status social. It means
that socialism makes egalitarianis famous as a great value in socialism
structure. The philosopical reason why status social is a indicator for real
socialism is that social status come from abolishing private ownership as
againts to capitalism. Marxist, who is popularizing socialism as
economic-political system, views that core of explotation in economic
activities is because of private ownership in capitalism system and was
believed a good solution for human desirable. However, the question is what socialism
success today?
Socialist Ideas Success
Wrote Ludwig Von Mises that
socialism is the watchword and the catchword of our day. The socialist idea
dominates the modern spirit. The masses approve of it, it express the thoughts
and feelings of all; it has set its seal upon our time. When history comes to
tell our story it will write above the chapter The Epoch of Socialism
(Mises, 1959). Socialism exactly isnot success to become a world
structure—economic system. But it easy sees that socialism in many state,
especially in depeloved country becomes a spirit influencing the world, today.
How it is be proved?
Ludwig van Mises attested to that socialism has not created a
society which can be said to represent its ideal. But for more than a
generation the policies of civilized nations have been directed towards nothing
less than gradual realization of socialism (1959, 25). Actually, in recent
years, many nations have sought to achieve socialism, in its fullest sense, at
a single stroke (1959). Russian Bolshevism is a nation where socialism was proved still life. That it is be strong wasnot because of Soviets’ artillery and
machine-guns but the fact which whole world receives its ideal sympathetically.
The sympatic ideal appearing in the several nations—Rusia—had shown that the
world today isnot in good condition—bad competition among nations, capitalism
hegemony, and economic war. Lately, the world society had felt bad economic
system born by capitalism. Social-economic gap, and new-colonialism expanded
into the third; it is not realized by many people. However, the bad feeling was
slowly realized by them feeling that conditions. In moderation, if socialism in
modern world becomes a spirit for most of people bearing witness to
desctruction caused by individualism spirit thaught by capitalism.
Interestingly, the socialism spirit spreading in some nations is
only abstract values and not as real system of economic. Even so, it is a great
thing for lack political system as socialism. Called as lack political system,
in the socialism history, that socialism had been defeated since the cold war
in the middle of 19s. Since the time, socialism was only as defeated-system and
hadnot had attractive energy to construct world economics. In addition, several
people had been named that condition by the dead of socialism. Inversely, even
so modernist, who never believe or is doubt with capitalism, looked for old
spirit which was lost when capitalism masters widely the life. Socialism spirit
was found and afterwards becomes critical awareness.
the socialism history is ploletarian history. It is ever becoming a patronage
for class histories, when communism regime had mastered several of
nation—Rusia, Chinese, Vietnam—but in the line time, capitalism regime had eliminated
socialism in world economic structure—free market regime, liberal economics,
anti-protectionism, and non-interventionism. It makes hubbub. Many
nations—Rusia, Chinese, and North Korea, finally, they recover socialism and
make it as a economic and political system. Simply, today in several countries,
socialism is being an idealism and latent spirit.[]