By: Muhammad Sholihin
Intellectual corruption will be borning some poor youngers, haven’t idealism, competition weakless. Such as, political corruption usually appearing barbarism youngers, and leaders; their often abandon law, and rule,
(Abdullah Hehamahua, 04/07/08)—Seputar Indonesia
Indonesian economic have collapsed by bad administration, such as corruption, nepotism. In this contexs, crisis of economic in Indonesia isn’t naturally attractor. But human error was effectively factor to callopsing our economic. Nearly of the day, political elite, birocrator were becoming corruptor. So, it’s abjected by more people in Indonesia. In fact, with corruption scandals, Indonesia have been on first ratify of carruptest state in south asia.
We often watched when senator (DPR) investigated by corruption eradication commission (KPK); Al-Amin, Artalyta, Urip were actual corruption news, and it’s every day was delaying from some TV station in Indonesia. Hendarman Supanji have been abjected carruptor Firstly, corruptor from laywers background, such as Urip.
Overthere, we still shy when al-amin had been captured with his girlfriend by police in a hotel on Jakarta. Nearly, it’s women identified as Prostitute. This crime have been contaminated our parliament. It’s crime, quietly making more people angry to senator and it’s decremented trust dan popularity of our senator in public eyes. Actually, when sex commercial worker appear in TV with any senator and in real condition it’s event was droping social position of sex commercial worker some as with social position of senator. The assumption, Prostitute in several fact most popular in crime side some as crime side of senator; the sex scandals of senator making damaging morality of our parliemant.
Parliemant is popular as servantor of masses. In practice, parliemant hanging to robber up some money of masses. Indonesia becoming a robber state; in here, life more crime; such as corruption, nepotism, violence. This deseases, was creating decadence. So, in our self there aren’t truth and admire to our leaders. This narration meaning that corruptor haven’t shyness. Perhaps, their have been obstinating for their badness.
Look like corruptor begin disturb by popularity of prostitute. Because, prostitute often informated in TV. Although, in contexs capturely some as with capture corruptor. This popularity has been signed the existence of prostitute. Although, similarly badness, but there are some difference between prostitute with corruptor.
Often we seen when corruptor have inspected by Corruption Eradication Comission their look not shy. They have been hunted by Journalis. Look like, their obstinate when they capture. There are have any different with prostitute. Actually, prostitute always close their face if captured; They were shy with badness or immorality—they conscious that their profesion is bad and immorality. But not with corruptor, in TV corruptor never close their face with shyness, their wanna be interview with no shyness, why? This show to our, that our elite is very decadence.
Shyness is soul adjectively; in naturally in human being. Shyness in sociology term is difference between humang being with animal. In normaly, human being have shyness but no with animal. It cause, dog, duck, ham, goat, or bulls usually to violate without rule, robber other foods—who strogers is powerfull—it’s forest law. Are this phenomena sign that corupptor is animal?
Corruptor vs Prostitute
Corruptor and prostitute don’t be similiarly. Because, have some difference in both; it’s badness have been doing by their. Substancial differentiation between them can be detail bellow: first, prostitute sale their body on street. Their making abandon law and morality caused by economic factor, and search some needs, such as food, costume, or to fill their needs. It while, corruptor doing some badness not to family, or to fill needs, but to buy a luxurious car, park, or build some manifacture and producted profite only to party.
Secondly, prostitute is groups of low education, not understand about allowed or unlawful. Their haven’t go to masque, church. It while, corruptor as bring up man, any their was going to mecca, often read Al-Qur’an. Thirtly, prostitute is groups of unemployment, haven’t powerfull. It cause, government never give to their any chance. So, their searching easy job and productively. Corruptor is groups of education human being, corruptor have any powerfull, occupy. Such as, senator, governor, chivalrous, minister, president, vice president, e.t.c. Although, any difference between corruptor with prostitute but anysimiliarly between them. The similiarly can be found in modus operandi stimulant they doing to badness.
Economis prostitute can be find on street in the night; In village or big city, such as Jakarta. Their price is veri cheaply—begin 10.000 till 50.000 rupiah—economis corruptor can be find in traffic light, harbourl, airport, or in public service office. Take Price by them only 10.000 till 1.000.000 rupiah.
The middle prostitute can be find on night club, restaurant, or message centre; their price 50.000 till 500.000. It while, the middle corupptor can be find on too night club, restaurant, alley of house, election area; usually they ask some money around one thousand till one billions. It the meaning corruption called by political corruption.
The high prostitute can be find in star hotel, in condoqium, or villa; their price is one billion or expensive more than; the consumers part of civil servant, occupy,or cheobol. It while, the highest corruptor usually find on star hotel, golf garden, in science forum; their price one hundred billion till millions, several of their take obligation letters. Urgently, between corruptor and prostitute is one groups of immorality human being.
Corruptor And Prostitute Effects
The modernities era make human being change to animal. They eat for state poverty, sale much asset masses. Queerly, several respectly occupy has been captured by corruption eradication commission. It cause making degradation for masses truth of capabilities law institution in Indonesia. Prostitute and corruptor is compatible, in both there are interest. Prostitute need some money from corruptor. Because many corruptor have hobbies to buy service from prostitute. In practice, prostitute make corruptor happy fun. And corruptor over some money for prostitute, we are still remember when al-amin capture with her girlfriend in hotel.
Idealism for corruptor isn’t values in their life. It’s some as prostitute. In fact, prostitute never reference to social moral in their life. Urgently point, them only wanna accumulate some money. We can learn from it, that corruptor and prostitute actively making rubbish for social structure and culture. In both always borning some poor younger and badness occupy. Prostitute over money of more man; high prostitute work be able to occupy money, this badness called with society crime. Prostitute making consumers, such as civil servant, occupy, lawyers over their money only be able to fun and happy with him. It while, corruptor be able to sale state asset for happy fun, or to buy some luxurious car, luxurious home, e.t.c. In social term, action corruptor sale masses assets called by political corruption.
Indonesia almost be collapse state; with corruption scandals, disintegration, violence among religions or pragmatism in political culture making citizen of Indonesia very anxios to walking and see their future. Almost there aren’t way to fixing our state; variately of discursus have published, but not able to cutting and solve our problem in nation-state. Indonesia almost collapse! It’s words to description Indonesia today. In fact, any solution have been offering to solve that crisis, such as change our politic, economic to khilafah system, or reformatting our political system. Yet, Indonesia still on crisis era. But crucial point, to make Indonesia always existence is each unit in society most movement and actualizing their local indigenous by indeed and government most give chance for masses development with cultural power. Get moment, masses economic, political values be able to public sphere; this idea will be implemented in election at 2009. we most choice Indonesia leaders wiz-bang in idealism, massesly. Honesly. But is possible?
Muhammad Sholihin is IAIN “IB” Alumnies,